Wednesday, May 12, 2010

No-Sew FABric Flower Tutorial

I have been seeing fabric flower embellishments ALL over Etsy. There are many different types but I'm not one who works with fabric all that much so I went with the easy, no-sew version! No-sew is always a good option for me ;)

These flowers are quick too. I made them in just a few minutes. Um, instant gratification anyone?! Yes, I'll take that. You can make them subtle with softer colors, add some pearls, beads, ribbons, leaves - whatever you desire. I wanted to have fun with some bright colors and mix and match patterns.

The step by step is really simple. You need strips of TORN fabric. You want the raw edges - at least I did. I think it adds some texture and character to them.

I chose a pumpkin polka dot, black and white cats eye and a teal and lime damask. I didn't end up using the lime floral fabric tonight. I'll save that for another project.

Fabric - I used quilters cotton.
Felt - for the backing
Hot Glue - or a fabric glue

Step 1: Tie a knot in one end of the fabric strip. Put a dab of hot glue on the felt and glue the knot to the felt.

Step 2: Start twisting the fabric strip. You can play with the look a little. Tighter makes it a little cleaner or you can go a little looser/fluffier - totally up to you.

Step 3: As you twist the fabric glue it down with hot glue making a circle around the knot. Keep wrapping until you've come to the end of your rope fabric. The longer the fabric strip the bigger the flower will be. And don't limit yourself to one fabric per flower - you can mix and match them to make them really fun!

Step 4: Trim the felt around the bottom of the flower. I like to cut very close and at a bit of an angle so you do not see the felt peeking out under the flower.

Step 5: Just a photo of the back side once you've trimmed the felt.

Step 6: You're DONE!

I think of a MILLION ways to use these fun flowers. Headbands, flip flops, pillows, t-shirt, bib necklaces. Embellish a fun summer skirt or dress a pair of jeans or a jacket. Canvas sneakers. They bring up the fun factor on anything you might use them on! Oooh a fun lamp shade - I dig it!! 
I used them on a canvas apron I've been working on for a couple of weeks - still a work in progress. I love the colors and mix of patterns and the dimension and texture they add. Just what I was looking for!

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